EAS supports
Nanordica Medical was a successful applicant for 214 000 EUR Enterprise Estonia grant in the Programme for Applied Research "Development of advanced antibacterial wound dressing with new antibacterial nanotechnology", project number RE.5.04.22-0134. The project is for the improvement and testing of Nanordica wound dressing for regulatory compliance. As a result of the project, the wound dressing will be refined according to the feedback of the medical doctors and characterized for its technical and biological properties.
Nanordica Medical was awarded Enterprise Estonia development voucher „Innovaatilise antibakteriaalse haavasideme tootearendusega seonduv vastavushindamise alane nõustamine“, project number 2014-2020.4.04.22-2188. The project is 50 000 EUR and is determined for the biological evaluation of the Nanordica wound dressing, for its classification as a medical device according to the MDR EL/2017/745. As a result of the project, the regulatory strategy will be implemented in compliance with the predicate device and preliminary testing will be conducted.
Nanordica Medical was a successful applicant for the inter-sectoral mobility grant provided by the State Shared Service Centre (Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus, RTK) worth 66 716,16 EUR „Nanotehnoloogial põhineva uudse antibakteriaalse haavasideme tehniliste parameetrite ja bioloogiliste omaduste uurimine“ (Projekt nr 2014- 2020.4.01.22-0381). The aim of the project was to develop an advanced antibacterial wound dressing and to prepare for conformity assessment according to EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR, Regulation (EU) 2017/745). As a result of the project the Nanordica wound dressing was evaluated for compliance of a medical device.
Nanordica Medical was awarded Enterprise Estonia development voucher „Innovaatilise antibakteriaalse haavasideme biosobivuse ja tehniliste parameetrite hindamine meditsiiniseadme määruse (MDR EL/2017/745) kohaselt“, project number 2021-2027.1.01.24-0459. The project is 50 000 EUR and is for evaluation of Nanordica Medical wound dressing for biocompatibility and technical parameters. As a result of the project, the wound dressing will be tested according to the medical device regulation MDR EL/2017/745 necessary for the CE marking and product launch.